Saturday, January 5, 2013

Caffeine Free

Today I decided to give up a bad habit. CAFFEINE! So, no more coffee, tea, soda, and the extremely big one for this Candelaria is CHOCOLATE!  I have to keep in mind that giving up caffeine will let me lose a lot of empty calories that are in my diet.  This means that I can eat more of the healthy things that I need in my diet.  Let me know the things that you guys are doing or not doing to lose weight.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Painless Ways to Lose Weight

Here are what I thought were the best and simple ideas to lose weight I got from a website.

1)      Add food don’t subtract food. This is to say add healthy foods.   Some ideas are deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, snow peas, strawberries, carrot sticks, apple, and celery.  Slip the foods into your lunch, soups, and sauces.

2)      Forget About the word exercise.  Don’t call your routine exercise and do such things as riding bikes, hiking, washing the car, chasing the dog around the yard.

3)      Go Walking.   Even a short walk is something.  Park your car at the back of the lot under that tree for Arizonians.  Hike the mall meaning window shopping a couple of rounds.  Take the stairs everywhere you can.  Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you clean house.

4)      Hydrate yourself!  Before you eat drink a glass of water.  This helps to prevent you from gorging.  Try to drink water whenever possible. For men you should drink 13 cups (104 oz) and for women 9 cups (72 oz). 

Wendy C. Fries. "10 Painless Ways to Lose Weight." WebMD. Louise Chang, MD. September 1, 2010. January 2, 2013 <>.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Weigh In

Happy New Year!!  First and foremost, I hope that everyone is having a great day!  Today is the first big day of the year.  I'm so pleased that so many people are excited about taking part in this journey with me. The measurements that I will need is Weight, Waist Measurement, Height, and Age.  I posted a picture of where exactly the waist is located because I used to always measure my hips instead of my waist, lol. Please email me at

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Change of date of Event

Ok so I know that I was a wing bat and lost track of time. But I think that it will better to start with the new year and hopefully it will help with everyone encouraging one another.  If you want to participate just send your info to Brett and my email at Like I mentioned previously I want lots of encouragements and positive thinking!! I don't care what your goal big or small the most important thing is to get healthy. So don't get bogged down with the number on the scale it'll come and go. So, I recommend only looking at it once a week at the same time wearing the same amount of clothing.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Molding a New You Challenge

So it is really official this time. We are GETTING married!!!!  December 2013 I am putting out a challenge to all of our family and personal friends.  I am opening a pot to the person who can lose the most weight by our wedding.  I am asking all those interested to put in $25.  There will be an initial weigh in on December 14, 2012. I also want a photo to be taken so that there will be a before and after.  Body measurements as well as weight will be tallied.  I realize that some of you live far and I ask that you send me your official measurements and weight.   I am keeping this on the honor system and believe you are hurting no one but yourself if you lie.  The final weigh in will be on December 13, 2013.  I am going to be on a quest to become healthy and am encouraging all those around me to do the same. This is the blog so that everyone can post anything about the weight loss process they would like including but not limited to recipes, exercise tips, or encouragements for everyone.  Results and winnings will be given out on December 14, 2013.